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Below are some of the most frequently asked questions on how to use Allotment.

It's not working/I don't see anything

The Allotment component takes its width and height from the element which contains it. It does not come with an explicit width or height out of the box. It's easy to end up with a div of height zero by accident. For example, adding allotment to a brand new Create React App project without setting a height on a containing div won't work because the default root div itself has no height.

You should also check that the css has been imported/included, for example at the root of your application:

import "allotment/dist/style.css";

My content is larger than the containing pane. How can I let the user scroll?

The simplest approach is place your content inside a new div with width and height 100% and overflow auto. This div will have the same dimensions as the pane it's inside and if its content overflows the browser will provide scrolling behaviour.


If you get an error when importing allotment in a Next.js project consider not including the module server-side. Allotment currently only works in a browser. It might be possible to produce sensible results server-side in the future so create an issue requesting this if interested.

How do I prevent a pane from being resized?

Set minSize and maxSize props to the same value.